To help shoppers out we’re sharing an original series 'Top Tips for Shopping Season Hits'with posts from a wide variety of shopping types, and many wonderful ways to buy, eat and experience local.
Next up is Amanda Russell. This millennial is a fan of reducing stress by making it easy and choosing local.
As a mom of three children, daughter, aunt, and friend the gift-giving season is always very busy for me. My family and I try to give gifts that have meaning to the person, something that they will use and enjoy. It's a lot to manage!
In previous years I would brave the malls, the box stores and a local market here and there just to see what was there. But in recent years, especially since working with Guide to the Good, I find myself looking at the local choices first for lots of reasons - as buying local in turn helps the community to flourish!
Here are some of my Top Tips for SHOPPING HITS.
Shopping has never been so easy and you don’t have to go into the stores if you don’t like the crowds like me. Ordering online or picking up curbside is amazing and has reduced time and stress.
So now I tend to look at our talented local vendors for most of my holiday shopping. I attend many more local markets and fairs than in the past and I really enjoy the selection of items available to match my Christmas list demands. (Click the link to check out upcoming markets. I'm the one who updates the Hubs!) I still shop at the mall or Walmart but for a much smaller portion of my gifts.
There are so many wonderful locally-owned stores that offer amazing products they make, or bring in.
Shopping locally has helped my gift-giving season go much smoother, with less stress and worry about if things will arrive in time. Now I can check out and order directly from their websites or just drop into their location to find what I need. For more great ways to shop local check out the GoLo Infographic.
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Amanda Russell
Amanda Russell is the Finance and Admin Coordinator for Guide to the Good, and the Queen of the Hubs.
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