Dr. Frances Scully founded of BeCompassioanteNL because she believes all humans are capable of cultivating compassion. The group held their first annual Peace Day Walk on September 26, 2021 to encourage healing for individuals and their communites.
In this episode of We Got This, we meet Dr. Frances Scully - a haemotologist, humanitarian and meditation teacher who organized the multi-lingual walk for Peace Day.
If you too want to give compassion back to the world, you can take the BeCompassioateNL pledge, click the link to find out more:
We Got This - Here at Guide to the Good, we're responding by finding new ways to support our members as they respond to change in their own way. We're here to build connected, resilient communities that enjoy the economic, social, green, and ethical benefits that come from choosing local. These choices create the kind of community we want to live in. Self reliant. Sustainable. Connected. Resilient.
Videographer - Melissa Wong
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We Got This
fresh and original, 'We Got This' nurtures resilient, locally-focused communities in a post COVID-19 NL. hear first hand insights from local leaders that inform, demonstrate, and inspire action toward a flourishing future for all of us.
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Guide to the Good is the social enterprise of thegreenrock.ca ~ Live Sustainably NL Inc.
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