change has come! the warmest and sunniest of Junes has become July, the whales and the capelin are on the go. the snow that flattened the Avalon is a hard-to-believe memory and everything is growing. that's the focus of the new Guide to the Good feature!
we've made it from COVID-19 Level 5 to Level 3 and now Level 2, Water Street is closed to vehicles and our local companies are growing their business in new ways and in old ways.
as restrictions ease, we focus on growing a sustainable community! local food is an obvious first stop. supporting and growing local companies is a smart sustainable move that brings together flourishing communities.
.for the #getgrowing feature, we'll be poking around at different ways local builds sustainable!
check back as the story unfolds...
and we'll see what else shows up!
Guide to the Good is the social enterprise of ~ Live Sustainably NL Inc.
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